Requirements Engineering (RE) plays a fundamental role within the systems development process. The goal of this course is to bring in the concepts, methods and techniques needed in the eliciting, analyzing, documenting, validating, and managing requirements for complex information systems. It explains how requirements engineering fits into a broader systems development process, and provides an understanding of the main challenges in requirements engineering nowadays. During this course, you will learn how to:
– Identify stakeholders and their influence on the system requirements.
– Specify functional requirements using different modeling methods.
– Identify and classify and non-functional requirements, influences and constraints.
– Negotiate and prioritize requirements.
– Validate requirements.
– Document and trace requirements using computer-based tools.
– Manage changing requirements and establish traceability of changes.
– Practice the different roles in the requirement engineering process, by working in groups.
– Analyze the practical use of the latest scientific contributions within the RE subject.
Since requirements management is a multidisciplinary field and closely related to areas such as general management, project and product management, product marketing, and industrial design, students from a variety of disciplines can benefit from this course.