David Truffet’s visit at DSV

During November 2009 David Truffet visited the Information Systems laboratory at DSV for four weeks. David completed his PhD at University of Queensland (UQ) in Brisbane some years ago and has worked since this with projects at the local government in Australia. I met him when visiting the BPM group at QUT last July. We were then working om similar problems: myself, on the emergency phone application process implementation in YAWL for the ÖST project and David was working on a process implementation for a local case study. David let me use his solutions and code and I invited him to DSV to help completing the prototype we are developing for the ÖST project.

During David’s visit we worked on
– improving the process implementation in YAWL
– implementing customized jsp forms for the process
– e-mail notifications for tasks and web-interface for task completion (so that the workflow management system used to manage the process remains invisible for the users)

In addition David also
– added multilingual functionality to the solution
– worked on accessibility issues so that the prototype complies with EU’s web accessibility policy.

The prototype is almost ready now and I am looking forward to release it soon.

Thanks for your visit David and for the four fruitful weeks spent here!

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